
The state institution “DIRECTORATE FOR THE ROGUNSKY HPP FLOOD ZONE” was created in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 546 dated October 27, 2010, the Management Charter was approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 546 dated October 27, 2010. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated January 6, 2011 No. 3.

The Directorate includes a director, first deputy chief engineer, deputy director, deputy director, accounting, law and local affairs departments, personnel, environmental and social, contractual and expense departments, production, technical, supply, agriculture and representative departments. offices in the cities and regions of Rogun and Tursunzade. The Directorate includes Dangara, Nurabad and Rudaki, according to the established and approved schedule of duties, the Directorate employs 47 engineering and technical employees and workers.

According to the Charter, the main goals and objectives of the Directorate are the preparation of the flooded area of the Rogun hydropower reservoir, and in connection with this activity of the Directorate, the main focus is on two main areas: migration and infrastructure construction. in new places of residence of migrants in the flooded zone, which is the direction of migration in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Immigration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan, executive bodies of state power of cities and districts carrying out resettlement and reception of migrants, the Committee for Internal Affairs “Pricing” of the Committee for Investment Management and State property under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Subsidiary State Enterprises for Real Estate Registration, specialized organizations and institutions, the Council of Ulema and the Slavic Temple, the population, as well as the World Bank, international and public organizations and management of the construction of the necessary infrastructure in cooperation with relevant ministries and departments The Republic of Tajikistan and their subordinate organizations, the Committee on Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. , executive bodies of state power of transferring cities and regions and receiving migrants, design institutes, licensing, contracting and supply organizations.

Statutory responsibilities of the Directorate:

– preparation and coordination of the internal title page of the object with construction and contracting organizations;

– defining the task and agreeing on the construction schedule, providing design and estimate documentation with the involvement of design organizations and monitoring their implementation;

– acceptance of design and search documentation for construction from research and design organizations (if it is necessary to determine commissioning complexes), checking the quality, completeness and reliability of the documentation and transferring it to contracting construction organizations;

– concluding general contracts and annual contracts with contractors within the established time frame for the main construction, agreeing on additional contracts, as well as special conditions for these contracts;

– provision of construction with technological, energy, electrical equipment, instruments and materials assigned to the Customer in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan is carried out by the Customer;

– laboratory studies of soils, reinforced concrete structures, construction equipment and materials;

– geodetic and surveying works;

– providing contractors with documents received from relevant organizations within the prescribed period, including:

– preparation of documents for land allocation;

– obtaining permission for construction work on sections of power lines, communications, and road construction;

– obtaining permission to cut down forests, move buildings and structures if necessary;

– obtaining permission to move cemeteries, historical and archaeological monuments in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements and environmental protection;

– delivery of construction projects to the contractor, as well as equipment, instruments and other construction materials entrusted to the Customer;

– resettlement of the population from buildings intended for demolition, obtaining permission from the relevant organizations to move high-voltage power lines, water, underground communications, etc., interfering with construction work in the designated area;


– in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, during resettlement and demolition, payment to the population of the cost of a house, equipment, fruit trees, cultivated crops and other personal property;

– carrying out work on dismantling technical equipment, machinery and mechanisms, stopping the transmission of electricity in electrical networks and transformers in the area intended for demolition, relocation or agreeing on the period of restoration work with the contractor;

– general and technical control during the construction period, coordination of the price and quality of work performed with design and estimate documentation, technical conditions and acceptance of work performed;

– ensuring timely financing of construction in accordance with the volume of planned main financing of the construction title page;

– coordination with relevant organizations of the issues of supply, testing and registration of lifting mechanisms, steam boilers and other means working under pressure, as well as inviting representatives to test equipment and units;

– acceptance and payment for completed construction work, individual structures, as well as construction and installation work, participation in the acceptance of unforeseen work and structures, preparation of documents and performance of work;

– submission of the necessary documents to the State Admission Commission of constructed and commissioned facilities, as well as participation in the work of this commission;

– transfer for use of objects whose construction has been completed to organizations that are duly entrusted with their use;

– maintaining accounting records and reporting, as well as submitting reports and balance sheets in the prescribed manner.


Information about the creation and activities of MMZ NBO Rogun LLC

The joint department under the Council of Ministers of the SSR of Tajikistan for the preparation of the flooded area of the Rogun hydroelectric power station reservoir was created on the basis of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the SSR of Tajikistan No. 278f dated September. 7, 1983.

It should be noted that on March 12, 1986, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSS of Tajikistan No. 83 “On approval of the Regulations of the Joint Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the RSS of Tajikistan for the preparation of the flood area of the Rogun hydroelectric power station reservoir.”

Then, on December 7, 1994, according to Resolution No. 3 of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “On measures to implement the Order of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 7 “On approval of the structure of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan” Republic of Tajikistan” dated December 3, 1994, the Joint Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan for preparation The flooded area of the Rogun hydroelectric power station reservoir was included in the state company for the construction of energy facilities – “Nurafzo”.

According to Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 49 of February 4, 2004, the Joint Department for the Preparation of the Flooded Territory of the Rogun Hydroelectric Power Station became part of Barki Tojik JSC and, according to Order No. 16 of February 26, 2004, became part of the structure of the Ministry of Energy with the introduction of balance sheet self-government.

In order to speed up the construction and commissioning of JSC NPO Rogun, on August 31, 2007, No. 454, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the establishment of JSC NPO Rogun” was signed.

By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 30, 2009 No. 685, the Joint Department for the preparation of the flooded zone of the Rogun HPP reservoir was included in the management structure of the Rogun HPP. Plant.